Iconic and witty photo series titled “Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich: Homage to photographic masters” was created by American photographer Sandro Miller, who collaborated with Hollywood actor John Malkovich to recreate some famous portraits around the world with Malkovich as the main subject instead.
Salvador Dalí by Philippe Halsman (1954)
Dorothea Lange / Dorothea Lange’s iconic Migrant Mother photo captured in 1936, Nipomo, California
Alfred Hitchcock with Goose by Albert Watson (1973)
Victor Skrebneski / Bette Davis (1971), Los Angeles Studio
Andy Warhol / Self Portrait (Fright Wig) (1986)
Diane Arbus / Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey (1967)
Gordon Parks / American Gothic, Washington, D.C. (1942)
Yousuf Karsh / Ernest Hemingway (1957)
Irving Penn / Pablo Picasso, Cannes, France (1957)
Arthur Sasse / Albert Einstein Sticking Out His Tongue (1951)
Alberto Korda / Che Guevara (1960)
Annie Leibovitz / John Lennon and Yoko Ono (1980)
Bert Stern / Marilyn in Pink Roses (from The Last Session, 1962)
David Bailey / Mick Jagger “Fur Hood” (1964)
Edward Sheriff Curtis / Three Horses (1905)
Herb Ritts / Jack Nicholson, London (1988) (A)