Mihaela Noroc, a photographer traveling around the globe and the creator of “The Atlas Of Beauty” (more), photographed North Korean women in diverse environments to show that beauty is everywhere, just in our differences, not in trends, money or race.
She was working in a hotel in Sinuiju
Uniforms are very common in North Korea
One of the wide boulevards of Pyongyang
Library in Pyongyang
A singer before her show, in Sinuiju
Bicycles are the most popular vehicle
She was working in a train
On the streets of Wonsan City
A waitress in Pyongyang
Subway station in Pyongyang
Textile factory in Pyongyang
During celebration or other special occasions women wear traditional outfits
Fishing is very popular in Wonsan
People wear pins with the two former great leaders
During the National Day huge mass dances are organized in big cities
Student in Pyongyang
In Sinuiju, a city bordering China
Umbrellas are popular for sun blocking
She was working in a hotel in Sinuiju
Playing instruments is a popular activity
Gates of Koryo Museum in Kaesong