Australian artist Andrew Firth, aka Jack Of The Dust, created a variety of hand-crafted creepy skulls based on those popular characters from cartoons and movies, from superheroes to Jack Sparrow, Voldemort to Darth Maul… Human beings are part of nature, hence conforming to the inevitable rule of living and dying, in between life and death, every one of us is equal.
#1 Pineapple Skull
#2 Batman & Joker Skulls
#3 Voldemort Skull
#4 White Walker Skull
#5 Pumpkin Skull
#6 Donnie Darko Skull
#7 Boo Boo Skull
#8 Consumed By Gold Skull
#9 Plant Human Skull
#10 Bonsai Human Skull
#11 Scarecrow Skull
#12 Golden Honey Skull
#13 Pirates Of The Caribbean Skull
#14 Snail Skull
#15 Darth Maul Skull
#16 Superhero Skulls