We have to understand the connection between excessive population growth and over consumption by the world’s resources, more people means more consumption, more trash, and more pollution, if the world becomes overpopulated it will be hard to maintain civilization. An environmental NGO Global Population Speak Out released a photo book named “Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot” that features the problems arising from overpopulation and consumption around the world.
Surfing a wave of trash near Java (Indonesia), the most populous island in the world.
National Willamette forest, Oregon (USA), 99% deforested
Yellow river in Mongolia: so polluted, it’s almost impossible to breathe near it
Ken River oil field, California (USA), in exploitation since 1899
Fire at oil platform in Gulf of Mexico, April 2010
Landscape full of trash in Bangladesh
Indonesian forest, now transformed into palm plantation
Amazonian jungle (Brazil), burned down to be “repurposed”
Tagebau Hambach strip mine (Germany), where world’s biggest excavator Bagger 288 extracts coal
Landfill in Accra (Ghana): electronic trash ends up in Third-World countries.
Mexico City (Mexico), 20 million inhabitants
Midway Islands (North Pacific), albatross that died from consuming plastic trash
Almeria (Spain), a landscape of greenhouses
Zone rich in tar in Alberta (Canada), affected by mining and toxic waste
Maldives (Indian ocean), the rising water levels will engulf it by 2050
Mir mine (Russia), world’s biggest diamond mine.
Svalbard (Arctic Ocean), a giant glacier is melting