Inspired by 3D chalk drawings on street, a group of talented artists of Jamie Harkins and fellows Lucia Lupf, David Rendu and Constanza Nightingale created amazing three-dimensional sand art in the way of simple lines in the sand on beaches between the Mount and Matakana Island. So far as the motivation was concerned, “We’ve seen other people doing stuff on beaches, but it’s always been geometric, flat shapes, like a pattern, so we thought we’d get into the whole 3D thing,” the local artist Jamie Harkins told The New Zealand Herald in an interview, “And I kind of like the fact that it disappears at the end of the day when the tide comes in. It makes it impermanent.” Absolutely impressive and original, enjoy it.
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that is so cool i like the shade and how all the shapes are diagnale
The paintings are amazing. They make me feel happy because I remember all the times I went to the beach with my family and friends.