This is an inspirational Instagram account, Success Pictures, here you will see variety of motivational illustrations with over 700k followers. Source
People will always have something to say.
We only live once.
Wrong! we only die once. We live every day!
Do good with intention, not for attention.
Every act of kindness will be returned to you one way or another.
Some people just act like they’re trying to help you.
Success is not always what you see.
You never know what someone is going through. Be kind. Always.
Too busy for improvements?
Son, one day you will appreciate the truly important things in life.
Don’t work hard.
Work intelligent.
How you see the world depends on how you look.
It doesn’t matter how many resources you have.
People will never truly understand something until it happens to them.
You always want what you don’t have.
The more you know, the less you need to say.
Two types of humans.
This is media!
Everybody has their own problems, just different levels.
Stay in your lane, keep your eyes and faith on yourself.
Success is not always what it seems.
Be thankful for what you have.
Good or bad, what you put out comes back to you.
Your current behavior will be reflected in your furture life.
Be careful who you help…