Japanese illustrator and comic artist Ponkichi (aka PonkichiM on Twitter) has created an adorable series of vege-animals illustrations. These cute, or somewhat odd combinations demonstrate that animals and vegetables can be enjoyed together : ) Source
Chinese Cabbage Dog
Shiitake Mushroom Weasel
Garlic Cat
Coriander Chinchilla
Spinach Owl
Cauliflower Llama
Lotus Root Fox
Cabbage Tasmanian Devil
Broccoli Squirrel
Daikon Radish Fox
Eggplant Cat
Peanut Walrus
Chinese Chive Honey Badger
Melon Turtle
Watermelon Cuttlefish
Pumpkin Cat
Celery Slow Loris
Vegetable Pig
Asparagus Crow
Mushroom Mouse
Chinese Onion Muntjac
Spring Onion Eel
Onion Octopus
Bitter Gourd Cat
Cucumber Myna